What Does the Bible Say About Being Sons and Heirs… Does This Include Women?
If you are a woman, you likely have questioned the idea of “sonship” before, either out loud or to yourself. In fact, we may be tempted to add “and daughters” to Galatians 3:26. But does this slight change we feel compelled to make, change the meaning and context of Paul’s letter to Galatia?
“For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”—Galatians 3:26-29
The shift in our culture seems to contradict this evidential claim that we are “all sons.” Some Bible translations say, “Children of God.” Yes, but this takes away the immense freedom women have in Jesus Christ!
The Jewish Roots of Sonship
“Biblical legislation gave the firstborn male a special status with respect to inheritance rights and certain cultic regulations…”[i]
Deuteronomy 21:15-17 further explains the firstborn son as principle heirs to the inheritance.
“If a man has two wives, one loved and the other unloved, and they have borne him children, both the loved and the unloved, and if the firstborn son is of her who is unloved, then it shall be, on the day he bequeaths his possessions to his sons, that he must not bestow firstborn status on the son of the loved wife in preference to the son of the unloved, the true firstborn. But he shall acknowledge the son of the unloved wife as the firstborn by giving him a double portion of all that he has, for he is the beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn is his.”—Deuteronomy 21:15-17
This text is saying God commands that the inheritance rights of the firstborn son be respected.
Birthrights mentioned in other aspects of the Bible, such as Jacob and Esau, show the significance of the firstborn son.
Jacob knew of the value and inheritance Esau would receive as the firstborn, and Esau was foolish and gave his honorable legacy away. As “son of God” we don’t have to resort to deception, nor are we to take for granted God’s gift. He claims we are heirs!
It was also the right of the firstborn son to receive twice as much inheritance as the others. Sonship in scripture is about covenant and inheritance.
To embrace being sons and heirs of God, as women, we must cancel the lies of the enemy that tell us, “You aren’t a son. You are unfairly treated. You must abandon the Word of God because this doesn’t apply to your life today.”
Satan is pressing in on women in our society by adding stress, expectations, criticism, and topping it off with the feeling of “not enough.” As a result, we are left with fighting for “rights,” while at the same time being criticized for confidence.
The enemy is robbing us of our inheritance! The confusion and discord are not the work of our Lord.
The Holy Spirit opens our eyes so that we are not blind to the work of Satan as he pulls as away from our Hebraic roots. The outcome is confusion and fear. The enemy wants nothing more than to remove those grafted in away from the true vine. We lose our foundation and our life source when we no longer know where it is secured.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”—Ephesians 6:12
As women, it is crucial that we stand together, but even more urgent is the fact that we must place our hope in the Word of God. He says that you are a son and an heir, so this is what you are! You have an inherited birthright status through Christ!
Read here about Megann Marcellino’s personal word of encouragement for women!
The enemy wants to keep your faith roots secret and hidden so that you struggle, doubt, and believe the lies that you don’t have access to your inheritance.
But the Bible Says that I am a Daughter of God…
“I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”—2 Corinthians 6:18
We get to call God our Abba Father. In Aramaic, this word means, “Daddy.” It signifies the close, intimate relationship of the Father with His children.
But Paul wanted to communicate another level of covenant relationship we have with the Father through Christ to the Galatians.
Picture yourself as a woman in Galatia, hearing these words of inherited status for the first time. This news would have been freeing and indescribable, knowing that you now have all the benefits of sonship.
We can think our inheritance the same way today, equally privileged, exalted, and co-heirs together. In the Kingdom of God, men and women have access to the full inheritance through faith in the Messiah.
Son, Heirs, and One New Man
The concept of the One New Man doesn’t pertain solely to men, but to humanity; Jew and Gentile Believers coming together in peace. As Christian women, we must stay grounded in our identity and what we are called to do. The journey will be different for each of us, but Proverbs 31 is a great place to start.
The Proverbs 31 woman runs a business, supports her family, and takes care of the household. But there are a few key points to remember. This woman follows God’s instructive Word and puts Him first. She allows Him to declare who she is.
- She loves her husband and does not tear down her household with her words.
- She is kind, charitable, and good.
- She is not idle; she is proactive.
- Ultimately, “she fears (respects or reveres) the Lord” and she is thereby praised, and the work of her hands is fruitful.
The enemy will always try to throw lies at you about your sonship inheritance. Combat them with the sword of Truth. You are a daughter, son, and heir of the Most High King. You are healed, treasured, and confident. You have the authority to cast out doubt and distrust. You are a new creation, and together with other Believers, you are a part of the One New Man!
“Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands. She is like the merchant ships, she brings her food from afar. She also rises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household, and a portion for her maidservants. She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard. She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms. She perceives that her merchandise is good, and her lamp does not go out by night.
“She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hand holds the spindle. She extends her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household is clothed with scarlet. She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies sashes for the merchants. Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness. She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.’ Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates.”—Proverbs 31:10-31
[i] https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/firstborn Jewish Virtual Library