Walking Out a Prophetic Word: Partnership with the Holy Spirit
“‘These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’” – John 14:25-27
Recently, we were so pleased to enjoy several evenings with special guest Luke Holter, a young prophetic voice who is gifted with the unique ability to tap into the Father’s heart for people. He shared several incredible prophetic words for members in the congregation—many that were life changing!
Not long after, I was listening to a sermon by a well-known prophet where he shared about his own journey into the prophetic. Before he really understood the gift of prophecy, the Lord appeared to him and told him that his voice would reach the nations. After a 30-minute exchange, the Lord left him with a challenge saying, “History will tell us if you believed what I have shared with you.”
Wow! What a challenge from the Lord. He shared next that because he had no real experience with the prophetic at this time, the only thing he could really do was read. He read every book that related to his calling, and went to every nearby meeting he could that addressed the topic. He watered the tiny seed that the Lord had given him, and now his voice truly is reaching the nations.
Over the years my family and I have received many prophetic words—that part of the journey has been easy, but walking out these words has been much more difficult. We live in a world of instant gratification, and so many times we want the words we receive from the Lord to manifest before it is truly time.
The impact of a prophetic word can absolutely alter the course of our destinies forever. But while you linger in the waiting place, don’t waste time. Spend this stage of the journey investing in the seed God’s planted in your heart. I hear so many people complain about a promise not coming to pass, but when I’ve asked them what they are doing to prepare for the promise, they stare at me blankly.
It is our mission at Curt Landry Ministries to empower the Body of Christ to walk boldly into their destiny in Christ, but we realize that this can be a daunting task to say the least. So, as I was preparing this blog and thinking about this topic the Lord laid an interesting thought on my heart.
What if we approached prophetic words like a spiritual scavenger hunt? What if instead of complaining that the ship has yet to come in, we began actively seeking the Holy Spirit for small ways to partner with Him in preparation for the larger things to come? What if the journey itself became the catalyst that birthed His plans and purposes?
How to go on a Holy Spirit Inspired Destiny Scavenger Hunt:
• Ask the Holy Spirit to begin to bring you ideas. Something small that you can walk out day to day. Don’t take yourself too seriously, or try to make this super spiritual.
• When you believe you hear from Him, take that tiny step of faith and walk it out. To start, it may be very small. A friend of ours did this, and the Holy Spirit told her to go shopping. At first, she was shocked, but she ended up ministering to each one of the ladies that waited on her at the store, and even prayed for one of those people (who she just happened to know personally, and had not seen in years!)
• Read the Word of God, listen to worship music, become saturated in His presence. None of us can minster out of the emptiness in our souls. We must set aside time to listen to the voice of the Lord—which ultimately allows us to minister out of the overflow of His spirit.
• Read, and listen to speakers who are sharing on the industry or ministry type that you feel God is placing you in.
• Keep a journal of questions you have for God, questions for leaders, and questions for yourself. Knowing how to ask the right questions at the right time is an important life skill.
• Be creative, let the Holy Spirit lead you to the next phase without feeling pressured to arrive.
• Finally, enjoy the journey. I often look back at a process and feel so much joy, as I continually discover that the journey itself was just as exciting, if not more so, than the final destination.
• Finally, when you miss it, ask the Lord to forgive you, and choose to forgive yourself.
• If you feel you’re getting off track, seek the Lord’s face and not what you’re asking Him to give you. Minister to Him with thankfulness and rejoice in the knowing that He truly desires your time and affection.
We love you, and we are believing great things for you! We would love to hear how you’ve partnered with the Holy Spirit on your journey in walking out a prophetic word.