Unity Found in the Midst of COVID-19 | The Church’s Finest Hour…
We are certainly in unprecedented times. Never before has our nation been a part of a worldwide pandemic. And yet, here we are.
How do Believers respond?
How does the Body of Christ unite in prayer?
Is there hope from our leaders?
Something remarkable is taking place in the spiritual and physical realm. Read how the Lord is uniting spiritual leaders in a powerful way to overcome the attack of the enemy.
What I Witnessed Was Unprecedented…
With the COVID-19 pandemic facing nearly every nation on earth, what I witnessed on an overcast Oklahoma morning on March 18th was entirely unprecedented in the spiritual realm…
Have you ever wondered why God has placed you in a certain position in life, or in a particular location in the world? And you find yourself asking, “Lord… am I truly in the right place at this time? I’m asking You this because there has to be more to my life assignment and destiny than what I am seeing and experiencing in the natural at this moment in time.”
And then all at once… BOOM!!! …a suddenly happens that rocks your entire world. The answer is looking you square in the face, and you know, that you know, that you know, that you are indeed here for such a time as this!
That overcast morning in Fairland, Oklahoma, was just that type of moment…
How it All Started…
What began as a short, 15-minute drive from my home to House of David’s rural church campus, near Fairland, Oklahoma, led me to anything but an ordinary morning…
You see, the day before—less than five days after an announcement from President Trump that would rock this nation to its core—Rabbi Curt Landry stopped by my office to let me know that we would be hosting a small group of mostly local pastors at House of David the next morning, to pray for safety and protection over our region against the looming coronavirus.
The instruction was that this meeting was to happen at 9am and that they would meet in his office, two doors down from my own. We briefly discussed what amenities he preferred for the meeting, and that was the extent of the planning…
I Sensed an Urgency…
Yet, as we spoke, there was a sense of urgency in his voice. He not only mentioned it once, but a total of three times that afternoon, which struck me as out of the ordinary, as this was not his normal way of communicating a need. Not fully understanding, I took notice, because important messages from the Lord always seem to come in threes. Therefore, I knew that this meeting was not to be taken lightly.
As the general manager of House of David, I began to arrange as many details as possible in order to receive and welcome these pastors and leaders with the honor and respect that we would extent to each. Every detail had to be in place—from refreshments, to proper seating, to heat and lights—everything had to be in order so that their time on our church campus could be as comfortable and pleasant as possible.
At this point, all I knew was that a small group of men were coming together to pray at the “North Gate” of this rural NE Oklahoma region in order to break the assignment of the COVID-19 virus that had seemingly begun to overtake the world’s populations and economies within a matter of days.
Pastors and Leaders Were on a Prayer Path…
These pastors and leaders would begin at House of David and then follow suite at three other locations throughout the region—in all representing the East, West, North, and South Gates of our area.
Now becoming a serious pandemic throughout all 50 states, President Donald J. Trump, had addressed the nation less than a week prior, proclaiming that the United States of America was in the midst of a National Emergency.
Pastors Felt the Looming Urgency to Gather in Unity…
Now, these pastors and leaders, felt the looming urgency to gather in unity in order to break the assignment of the enemy. To call an assembly to pray and seek the Lord for His mercy and grace as His Body.
The short drive I took to House of David that morning was quiet as I talked to the Lord about the day, and the days ahead for the ministry in the midst of this pandemic… praying and asking for His strategy, guidance, and protection over leadership, staff, the House of David congregation, and the Curt Landry Ministries partners.
I Received a Vision and a Word…
It was during my drive when I distinctly heard the Lord tell me… “This is the Church’s finest hour.”
I am a prophetic seer… so He also showed me in the spirit, the iconic picture of Winston Churchill in his bunker during WWII.

Not understanding completely what the Lord was pronouncing at that moment, I quickly turned my focus to something out of the ordinary that caught my eye. As I pulled into House of David at 8:30am—the time the Lord prompted me to arrive—I noticed a pickup truck coming through the gate that I did not recognize. My first thought was, “This must be our landscape maintenance crew.” But then, from a distance, I realized that the four men inside were obviously not the landscape workers.
I then asked, “Could these be the local pastors, who we were privileged to welcome to House of David at 9am?”
The Lord answered, “Yes… this is why I asked you to be here earlier than normal today. I have placed an urgency and desire in their hearts to meet with Me, for this is a divine moment in time that is much bigger than themselves. My Spirit in them has made them all fully aware of the urgency that I have placed within them. They know that today the atmosphere over this region is about to change and shift. That after today, this region and the churches within it will never be the same again!”
They came early. They came eager. They came hungry.
The Divine Appointment…
They came early in order to prepare themselves for the divine appointment that the Lord had scheduled for that morning. They came eager, as kings and priests—sons of the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Lord Most High, Ruler of the Universe—as representatives of the Church Body. They came hungry to ultimately seek the face of God in a spirit of repentance.
With that revelation, I rushed into the building, where I found our House of David head administrator, JoEllen, and we sprang into action, opening up Rabbi’s office with amenities in place.
The Immersion Room…
In the midst of preparations, I heard the Lord say to unlock the door to the immersion room and make it ready for our visitors. The immersion room at House of David is where we have held numerous immersions throughout the past 8 years, immersing, healing, and releasing thousands from around the world into the fullness of what God has for their lives.
Multitudes had come to this immersion room (Hebrew: mikvah) to be healed emotionally, physically, and spiritually in the waters of this pool.
With preparations in place, we were ready to receive these men of God as they arrived. Greeting each at the door, we led them to Rabbi’s office and made them as comfortable as possible while anticipating his arrival.
It was at this time when I heard the Lord say, “Because My people are assembling to humble themselves today and pray in unity, I am opening up the windows of Heaven and will pour out My Spirit over this region, state, nation, and the nations of the world.”
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
—2 Chronicles 7:14
The Sense of Urgency Overtook the Room…
Barring introduction, a sense of urgency overtook the room as Rabbi arrived, along with the three men from the Tulsa area. It was then when I heard Rabbi begin to speak about the association of the kingship and priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek. Of how we, as priests according to 1 Peter 2:9, “are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that we may proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light…”
Rabbi then began to speak forth the priestly words written in 2 Chronicles 7:14. With this, these men of God began to cry out to our Father in Heaven in repentance for the sins of the Church in the region, state, and in our nation.
Rabbi and these seven men made their way to the immersion room, where he could wash their feet as a prophetic act of humility and unity amongst the local and regional Church.

As these men entered the immersion room, Rabbi gathered them around and blew the shofar, proclaiming Number 10:9…
“When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the Lord your God, and you will be saved from your enemies.”
A Holy Moment…
This was a Holy moment as Rabbi prayed and prophesied over each of the seven men, anointing them with oil and washing their feet in the entrance of the immersion pool—representing the North gate. It was this simple act of obedience that brought these leaders together as a humble assembly, unified to represent the Body of Christ in our region, nation, and the world.

What began as a progressive prayer meeting beginning at the House of David: One New Man Embassy in rural NE Oklahoma with eight local and regional pastors and leaders, was to end with an open Heaven—a gate opening from Heaven to Earth—over the region.
This morning was a gamechanger—a time in our history where you could literally feel the ground shift—where you knew you were standing in an open portal… on Holy Ground.
Ephesians 2—Jew and Gentile, as One New Man—Was Manifested!
“… so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace…”—Ephesians 2:15
This was true unity in God’s Body rarely seen since before the time of Constantine, during the Councils of Elvira and Nicaea in the early 4th century AD, when the enemy had seemingly succeeded in separating Jew and Gentile. Since that time Satan has relentlessly fought to break apart God’s Church—His Body—so that God’s blessings and the power of unity would be forever broken. But this day in March… these pastors and leaders representing many denominations—Jews, Gentiles, and even leaders from afar afield as China, boldly came together in unity as kings and priests representing the Body of Christ in repentance for that very sin of separation and divisiveness. This was a day when former disagreements and issues were laid before God’s throne, and the One New Man in the Body of Christ awoke in power!
The COVID-19 pandemic was sent to divide and separate… yet, a handful of pastors and leaders in NE Oklahoma came together to unify and break open the windows of Heaven over the region, state, Nation, and World—an opening for the Church’s finest hour!