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The 12 Hebrew Months

Tribe, Letter, and Meaning

The Basis of the Hebrew Months

The Hebrew months differ from the Gregorian months. This is because the Hebrew months/calendar is a lunar (based on the moon’s phases) calendar, and the Gregorian months/calendar is a solar (based on the Earth’s yearly revolution around the sun) calendar.

The Hebrew calendar has two distinct starting points: the civil and spiritual years. These differences are based on how the calendar is used in different contexts within Jewish tradition and culture. You can think of the civil calendar as a fiscal calendar and the spiritual year as an annual feast and celebration calendar.

The Civil Hebrew Calendar (Begins in Tishrei)

  • The Start of the Year: The civil year begins with the month of Tishrei (September/October). The first day of Tishrei is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, also known as the Head of the Year.
  • The Significance: Rosh Hashanah is considered the beginning of the year. The civil calendar counts the years used to determine sabbatical and jubilee years and calculates agricultural cycles. It also determines when the new fiscal year begins for legal and economic matters.
  • The Focus: The civil calendar aligns more with practical, day-to-day activities, family, and community life.

The Spiritual Hebrew Calendar (Begin in Nisan)

  • The Start of the Year: The spiritual year begins with the month of Nisan (March/April). Nisan is considered the first month of the religious calendar, as it marks the time of the Exodus from Egypt.
  • The Significance: Nisan is the month Passover occurs, commemorating the Israelites’ liberation from slavery. The spiritual calendar determines the dates of Jewish festivals and holidays.
  • The Focus: The spiritual calendar focuses more on feasts and appointed times. It is concerned with the spiritual aspects of Jewish life and culture.

“Both calendars are essential to the structure of Jewish life, reflecting the dual aspects of Hebraic culture and identity and God’s patterns and timing.”

Hebrew Month: Tishrei (September/October)

Tishrei is the month of new beginnings, repentance, and renewal.

Hebrew tribe associated with the month of Tishrei: Ephraim, Ephraim means to “be fruitful and multiply.”

Hebrew letter associated with the month of Tishrei: Lamed, lamed signifies the reaching for and directing your hopes and desires to return to the Lord.

This is the month to…

  • Position your heart and mind on the Lord, seeing the new thing He is doing in your life
  • Repent to the Lord, make amends with those around you
  • Awaken and remove what has kept you from returning to the Lord
  • Cover any iniquities with the blood of Yeshua
  • Receive rest, renewal, and regeneration
  • Renew your covenant with the Lord
  • Rejoice and be filled with the joy of the Lord
  • Place your feet beneath the Father’s table, honoring the appointed time of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot (Fall Feasts) 
  • Bring an offering to the Lord and sow with expectation

Tishrei Resources

Hebrew Month of Tishrei | Embracing Kingship and Spiritual Renewal: Prepare your heart for the spiritual activation as Kings and Priests

Rosh Hashanah | The Feast of Trumpets and the Head of the Year: Connect with God, seek Him, and meet Him at the table. 

Yom Kippur | The Day of Repentance: Renew your mind, hear from the Lord, and cover any iniquities with the blood of Yeshua. 

Sukkot | A Time of Rejoicing: Find joy in the Lord’s provision, indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and covenant promises. 

Prophetic Significance of Simchat Torah | Rejoice in God’s Word: Find joy in God’s teaching and instruction and see the new thing He is doing. 

Children’s Fall Feast Guide: A free resource to teach the next generation about God’s appointed times. 

The Ultimate Guide to the Fall Feasts: A free resource to help you discover the prophetic message of each feast.

Hebrew Month: Cheshvan (October/November)

Cheshvan is the month of reflection, releasing past hurts, and allowing God to heal and transform your pain into purpose.

Hebrew tribe associated with the month of Cheshvan: Manasseh, Manasseh means “to forget, to leap up and away.”

Hebrew letter associated with the month of Cheshvan: Nun, nun represents faithfulness and soul.

This is the month to…

  • Reflect on the places in your soul where you’ve been hurt
  • Release hurts
  • Reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of God
  • Reflect and process what you heard from the Lord in the past season
  • Invite the fragrance of the Holy Spirit to infiltrate your soul so you can speak truth in prayer and war with God’s Word

Cheshvan Resources

The Hebrew Month of Cheshvan |Flow Forward or Fall Backward: Discover how this month is a month of physical and spiritual potential, full of choices on your spiritual journey.

Cheshvan | A Season of Potential Risks (video): Rabbi Curt Landry releases a prophetic word related to Cheshvan and encourages being alert to counterfeits. 

Hebrew Month: Kislev (November/December)

Kislev is the month of dedicating your body, soul, and spirit–your temple–to the Lord. 

Hebrew tribe associated with Kislev: Benjamin, Benjamin was the most gifted of the tribes with the use of the bow.

Hebrew letter associated with Kislev: Samech, samech is the only round letter and conveys the concept of circle, wrap-up, and encapsulation.

This is the month to…

  • Examine your heart and motives
  • Expect many things to come full circle
  • Break patterns of mistrust that hinder your relationship with the Lord and others
  • Pay attention to your dreams and night visions
  • Review your sleep patterns that will lead to better health
  • Ask the Lord for warfare strategies for the season ahead, to have peace amid war
  • Review your support systems and accountability partners, both how you are supporting and how they are supporting you
  • Honor and discover more about Hanukkah (the 25th and lasts for eight days), a time to ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His oil and light

Kislev Resources

Unlocking the Miraculous: Exploring the Richness of Kislev and God’s Presence: See how you are set apart for a purpose and to experience His presence. 

A Prophetic Warning | Darkness is Coming. Position Yourself for Protection: A word from the Lord that may apply to you today. 

Hanukkah: A Story of God’s Amazing Miracles: A free resource that will inspire you. 

Hanukkah Story: Answers to Your Hanukkah Questions: Common questions about Hanukkah are answered here.

Hebrew Month: Tevet (December/January)

Tevet is a month of strategy and vision. 

Hebrew tribe associated with Tevet: Dan, Dan was the first tribe to worship idols, so be careful where you place your worship this month.

Hebrew letter associated with Tevet: Ayin, ayin is related to the eye, watching, and seeing.

This is the month to…

  • Ask for and expect strategic vision and authority for protection
  • Focus on the gift of strategy
  • Speak with authority to lead and direct
  • See the Lord as our Rear Guard, protecting you from what we cannot see
  • Train your mind to filter what you see in the physical to what is in God’s Word, spiritual wisdom
  • Have hope and expectation; prepare for and anticipate something new

Tevet Resources

Divine Strategy and Vision in the Month of Tevet: Train your eyes to see in the spirit.

Goals to Grow | Living Life with Purpose: A free resource to help you reset your spiritual clock for the (Gregorian) year ahead.

Hebrew Month: Shevat (January/February)

Shevat is a month of unlocking redemption and divine instruction. 

Hebrew tribe associated with Shevat: Asher, Asher’s land was rich and abundant, full of olives, creating a flow of oil like a spring.  

Hebrew letter associated with Shevat: Tzaddik, tzaddik is related to righteousness and righteous vigilance.

This is the month to…

  • Seek God’s instruction 
  • Embrace God’s instruction
  • Understand there is a process of learning and imprinting God’s instruction on your heart
  • Live a pattern of integrity, truth, and justice
  • Prepare to break free from what has enslaved you and see the redemption of what has been weak
  • See how God’s instruction helps you mingle with the masses but also maintain spiritual maturity
  • Honor the discover more about Tu BiShvat (the 15th), a day when the earliest trees begin to bud, promising what is to come

Shevat Resources

The Hebrew Month of Shevat: Unlocking Redemption and Divine Instruction: A month to reset your lifestyle.

Unlocking Wisdom in Shevat (Part 1-video): Rabbi Curt Landry releases the first part of his message about redemption and divine instruction.

Unlocking Wisdom in Shevat (Part 2-video): Rabbi Curt Landry releases the second part of his message about redemption and divine instruction.

Hebrew Month: Adar (February/March) 

Adar is a month of embracing joy and expectation, being faithful, and unified, and seeing divine timing.

Hebrew tribe associated with Adar: Naphtali, Naphtali was a messenger of hope, eager and swift to carry out his missions, demonstrating a commitment to others. 

Hebrew letter associated with Adar: Kuf, kuf is related to exponential, doubling, great number, and multiplying.

This is the month to…

  • Trust the Lord will deliver the gift He has deposited within you in His divine time
  • Seeing the connection between how you speak and the impact on others
  • Connect to God’s instruction, speaking it out and praying it
  • Position your heart to listen and hear before carrying His message to your family, friends, neighbors, or nations
  • Watch for how the Lord may separate or remove you from one place and fully immerse you into another
  • Honor and discover more about Purim (the 14th), a day to remember God’s faithfulness and the power of selfless obedience (see Esther)

Adar Resources

The Hebrew Month of Adar: Surrendering to God’s Instruction and Timing: This is the month to listen to God’s voice for divine instruction, say “yes,” and surrender the outcome at His feet. 

The Hebrew Month of Adar 1: A Leap of Faith | Embracing Joy and Expectation: Considered one of the most joyous months on the Jewish calendar, Adar 1 (also added to the calendar because of the leap year), is full of celebration.

Purim and Adar 2: Faith, Unity, and Divine Timing: Purim is in Adar 2, the most notable event in the Hebrew month. It is thought to be the axis on which the entire month revolves.

When Adar Enters, We Increase in Joy (video): Rabbi Curt Landry gives a prophetic message about the month. 

Adar 2: A Double Blessing (video): Rabbi Curt Landry delivers a powerful message about Adar 2.

Adar 2 The Power of Yes/Yes Shift in Your Life Now! (video): Rabbi Curt Landry discussed the opportunity made available as you align with God’s timing. 

What Is Purim All About? Common questions about Purim answered here.

Hebrew Month: Nisan (March/April)

Nisan is a month to look for miracles and redemption.

Hebrew tribe associated with Nisan: Judah, Judah carries the name of the nation of Israel, synonymous with all children of Israel.

Hebrew letter associated with Nisan: Hey (Hei), hey is related to going forth, bearing fruit, or exploding with life.

This is the month to…

  • Ask the Lord what He wants you to sacrifice, as this is the pathway to miracles
  • Exercise faith, trusting God will strengthen you
  • Readily accept the yoke of God’s sovereignty anew
  • Place your feet beneath the Father’s table at Passover (the 14th) and receive the nine blessings
  • Bring an offering to the Lord and sow in expectation

Nisan Resources

The Hebrew Month of Nisan: Miracles and Redemption: In Jewish tradition, Nisan is “the king of the months, and leads all others. 

Children’s Spring Feast Guide: A free resource to help your children discover the blessings of Passover and Shavuot. 

The Ultimate Guide to Passover: A free resource to help you understand the blessings released at Passover. 

The Passover Story | Answers to Your Passover Questions: Common questions answered about Passover here.

Hebrew Month: Iyar (April/May)

Iyar is the month to expect, prepare, and connect.

Hebrew tribe associated with Iyar: Issachar, Issachar means “his reward will come,” this tribe understood the times and seasons.

Hebrew letter associated with Iyar: Vav, vav is related to connection, continuity, timing of events, and power to transform.

This is the month to…

  • Prepare your heart and spirit to carry out the moment of instruction coming
  • Be aware of the connection between the physical and spiritual
  • Be prepared to battle the Amalek Spirit, a spirit aimed to defile and keep you from fulfilling your purpose
  • Prepare for a month of healing 
  • Be aware of, discern, and perceive the timing of events and what you ought to do

Iyar Resources

The Hebrew Month of Iyar | Expect, Prepare, and Connect: Iyar falls during the “Counting of the Omar,” so have an expectant heart and receive the impartation of instruction.

The Significance of Counting the Omer for Believers: Understanding this time of introspection prepares you for the coming change. 

The Power of Second Chance: Counting Down of the Omer (video): Rabbi Curt Landry delivers a powerful message about the time between Passover and Shavuot.

Hebrew Month: Sivan (May/June)

Sivan is the month to understand your identity to walk out God’s instruction.

Hebrew tribe associated with Sivan: Zebulun, Zebulan harvested Chilazon—the aquatic creature that creates the blue die used for coloring the blue tassels on the tallit—and had an anointing for abundance and locating hidden treasures.

Hebrew letter associated with Sivan: Zayin, zayin means weapon, sword, or crown, comes from the word meaning “sustenance or nourishment.”

This is the month to…

  • Wait on the Lord and be present to receive God’s instruction from a place of unity
  • Acknowledge God in all your ways and live in a place of wholeness and completion
  • Embrace the Word of God as your spiritual sword, nourishment, and assignment 
  • Like the tribe of Zebulun, answer God’s call to battle, worship, and live generously 
  • Embrace your spiritual identity and live as who you have been called to be in Yeshua
  • Place your feet beneath the Father’s table at Shavuot (the 6th) and receive His instruction for the next season
  • Bring an offering to the Lord and sow in expectation

Sivan Resources

The Hebrew Month of Sivan | God’s Instruction & Your Identity: This month is about connection and receiving God’s instruction and applying it for Kingdom prosperity. 

Children’s Spring Feast Guide: A free resource to help your children discover the blessings of Passover and Shavuot.

What Is Shavuot | Answers to Your Feast of Shavuot Questions: Common questions about Shavuot are answered here.

Hebrew Month: Tammuz (June/July)

Tammuz is the month to see with eyes of faith, look for strict judgment, and repent.

Hebrew tribe associated with Tammuz: Reuban, Reuban held the firstborn rights but lost them due to giving in to sinful desires.

Hebrew letter associated with Tammuz: Chet, chet represents life and righteous living, double doors, divine wisdom.

This is the month to…

  • Ensure your actions remain in alignment with your true identity and the life you desire to build
  • Expect a convergence this month between the physical and the spiritual
  • Know that sin and shortfalls may come, but quickly repent and be redeemed
  • Be wise with your choices and think about how to respond before reacting

Tammuz Resources

The Hebrew Month of Tammuz | Seeing with Eyes of Faith: There is a heaviness in the spirit this month, but God is inviting you to repent and turn to Him!

How to Prepare for the Hebrew Month of Tammuz (video): Rabbi Curt Landry warns about what you are up against this month so you can plan and war with Kingdom strategy.

Hebrew Month: Av (July/August) 

Av is the month to understand that with opposition comes opportunities.

Hebrew tribe associated with Av: Simeon, Simeon was the only tribe that didn’t receive a blessing from Jacob or Moses.

Hebrew letter associated with Av: Tes, tes represents the hidden light the Father conceals for a future time for those who are righteous before Him.

This is the month to…

  • See that there will be many contradictions
  • Know that the contradictions are opportunities to press in and embrace your relationship with God
  • Cast off what causes you to lose focus and turn away from distractions
  • Repent, asking the Lord that His strict justice be merciful
  • Listen and hear deeply to transform your mind
  • Wait and practice patience
  • Protect your ear gate; don’t believe or receive every negative report
  • Don’t act impulsively

Av Resources

The Hebrew Month of Av | A Time of Opposition and Opportunity: Av is a month of contradictions but also an opportunity to experience transformation. 

Tish B’Av/9th of Av | A Day to Mourn and Remember: Many tragedies happened on this day and is considered a day of mourning. 

The Significance of the 9th of Av (video): Rabbi Curt Landry talks about how evil spirits are coming to destroy and disrupt the covenant you have with the Lord. 

Preparing to Enter the Hebrew Month of Av | Opposition & Opportunity (video): Rabbi Curt Landry delivers a message that will inspire you during this difficult season. 

A Time of Distress | What Happens in the Spirit During the 9th of Av (video): Rabbi Curt Landry explains what happens in the spirit during this season of great distress. 

Embracing the SEasons of Av & Elul | From Pain to Jubilation (video): Join Rabbi Curt Landry and discover how the Hebrew months of Av and Elul are a journey of spiritual growth and transformation.

The Hebrew Month of Elul | Gateway to Unlocking Potential: During the month of Elul, we sanctify what is within us for the service of the Lord. Discover what this means and its tie to repentance.

Hebrew Month: Elul (August/September) 

Elul is the month to prepare for the Fall Feasts: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. 

Hebrew tribe associated with Elul: Gad, Gad reflected the connection between hidden thoughts, desires, and actions performed in wisdom to unlock hidden potential.

Hebrew letter associated with Elul: Yud, yud is a small dot, a building block and foundation for what is to come.

This is the month to…

  • Prepare for a time of repentance and introspection
  • Confess and abandon the things that separate you from God
  • Embrace spiritual transformation
  • Take what is considered dormant and create action
  • Make choices to live with a heavenly perspective

Elul Resources

The Hebrew Month of Elul | Gateway to Unlocking Potential: During the month of Elul, we sanctify what is within us for the service of the Lord. Discover what this means and its tie to repentance.  

Embracing the SEasons of Av & Elul | From Pain to Jubilation (video): Join Rabbi Curt Landry and discover how the Hebrew months of Av and Elul are a journey of spiritual growth and transformation.

See additional resources listed under “Tishrei Resources.”

Hebrew Annual Feasts, Celebrations, and Important Dates

Find important annual feast, memorial, remembrance, and observance dates with explanations. Get a 16-month overview of the Hebraic celebrations. Get insights from Rabbi Curt Landry about how to understand the Hebrew calendar.  

The Sabbath Day 

Discover how honoring the Sabbath releases blessings, transforms family culture, and creates an atmosphere that invites the Spirit of God.