You’ve Learned About Spiritual Warfare. Now the Enemy Attacks.
As your eyes are opened to spiritual warfare, you can feel a heaviness, and more intense warfare comes. The enemy puffs up and tries to intimidate you as you put on your armor. He raises his level of intimidation as you raise your sword and move into higher levels of faith.
If you’ve moved to a higher level and intense warfare begins, ask the Lord for a strategy. You see, if God has called you to this higher level, He will provide a strategy.
Join Rabbi Curt Landry in this podcast as he answers these questions…
· Why do the attacks seem to get more intense?
· What scriptures can you stand on when the attacks come?
· How do you create habits and patterns that strengthen your spiritual and mental muscles?
We are in a season when the old habits and patterns that used to work don’t anymore. God calls His people to move, stand strong, and contend for the faith. Here’s how…
Transcription from Podcast (Revised for Readability)
Shalom, Rabbi Curt Landry here with Ancient Principles, Kingdom Authority.
We’ve recently finished a series on spiritual warfare and learning to break generational curses.
- You can listen to the first episode of the series here.
- You can purchase Victory in Spiritual Warfare: Breaking Generational Curses book here.
If you’ve walked through and learned how to do spiritual warfare and broken off the generational curses, you may have felt even more intense warfare coming at you.
A question people ask is this: Can you encourage us because after we do spiritual warfare, we feel heavy or more intense warfare comes?
Your eyes have been opened to the ability to do spiritual warfare, and for most of you, you now experience heaviness, more sensitivity to what is happening in the spiritual realm.
Anytime you pick up a sword, and you learn how to use it, then the enemy’s going to confront it. You weren’t confronting him at the level you were at before. And so, and I know people say, well, that’s not scriptural what I’m going to say, but it’s a way to get it in your head, and the way Christie and I say it is this: higher level, higher devils.
But at the same time, ask the Lord for a spiritual strategy if God calls you to a higher level. The strategy has to do with alignment and emotions.
3 Things to Do If You Are Getting Emotionally and Physically Attacked
1. Stand on God’s Word
What scriptures do you stand on if you are getting emotionally and physically hit when you do spiritual warfare?
So, if you go here, you’ll see a clock that we’ve done. The Lord gave me a vision of that clock. And so, anytime you cycle through your day, your week, or your season, it’s really great to reset your clock.
So, the first place that I would start is Matthew 6 and 33, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. and all of these things shall be added to you.”
- This means seeking first the Kingdom of God comes with promises: all other things shall come on to you. It’s about His righteousness. So you’ve got to make that choice. Just say, “I’m going to make a choice to seek first the Kingdom of God. I’m going to seek His kingdom and ask this question, ‘Lord, what is it that I need to do right? Am I doing something, not even necessarily wrong, but am I doing something that is not as productive as it could be?’”
I’m 67 years old. I’m at a place where I want to get more done with less. And since I was 65, I’ve successfully figured out spiritual warfare and how to get more done with less.
Anytime I get a lot of pressure on something, and a lot of stuff starts going wrong–the little foxes appear and the wheels fall off–I don’t take that as the Lord shutting a door. No, it’s usually, if the enemy is attacking that direction I’m going, it’s because I’m on the right path. And now the resistance becomes confirmation.
Here’s how I operate…
Personally, I don’t sit there and then keep hammering the warfare when I’m getting beat up and having problems. I don’t do that. That’s foolish. So I back off. And the first thing I do is reset my emotions. You can order our emotional healing book here.
You need emotional intelligence because most of the time when I get off track, it is because my emotions don’t line up with my plan–which is seeking first the Kingdom of God. I get angry, get impatient, or start to doubt whatever. I’m human.
I stop and say, “You know what? I’m not going to get impatient about that any longer.” I go into my quiet place with the Lord, and I will say…
- “Lord, search me and know me, for I desire truth in my inward parts. Lord, what is it that’s in me or in my past or in my iniquitous structures, in my DNA that I need to be delivered of that makes me impatient about this situation or that person? That person does something, and man, it just pushes my button, that type of person, that type of behavior.”
Then the Lord will take me back and show me where there’s a past trauma or a wound tied to that. And so that’s where you need emotional intelligence. Ask the Lord to identify that spot and whatever it is, and then take it into the spiritual warfare courtroom, and you say, “Father God, I’m seeking first the Kingdom of God and Your righteousness. And Lord, I was not right. I was impatient. I was envious and jealousy. I cursed that person. I cursed myself. I cursed you. Forgive me.”
Whatever it is, just spill it out and say…
- “Lord, I ask for forgiveness in the Courts of Heaven. By the blood of Jesus, I ask You to remove it far from me and this heaviness that has come against me. And Lord, after I put on the full armor of God, I take the fire, I take the shield of faith and the Word of God, and I cancel impatience, and, Lord, I have the fruit of the Spirit, according to Galatian 5. I have peace. I have love, joy, long-suffering, temperance, and kindness of which such there is no law. So the enemy cannot accuse me of this anymore because I’ve traded in my impatience for patience in Yeshua.”
This is a covenant act that God wants to do. And so I just stand on that covenant. That would be one of the things when it comes to the heaviness that comes.
2. Focus and Fix Your Eyes on the Lord
Okay, so if you’re taking your eyes off the focus, it means you have not allowed the Lord or done the things necessary in your life to impart the Word of God. So what you can do to focus and fix your eyes on the Lord is….
- Take my spiritual warfare book here, and see the verse about the blood of Jesus. It says, “By that, we will be sanctified through the offering of the blood of Jesus once and for all,” Hebrews 10:10.
- Okay, so what I would do is I would go into my journal, and I would handwrite in my journal, “By that, will we have been sanctified,” Hebrews 10:10.
- Then I’ll go into my Bible and highlight Hebrews 10:10. And I’ll write in my Bible by this verse the date I highlighted it.
So now it’s three times you’ve seen and focused on that verse. And then I’ll memorize this scripture and say, “Through the body of Jesus Christ, I have been sanctified once and for all.”
So when the enemy tries to lie about me and say I can’t do this or that, I come back with Hebrews 10:10. And by the time…
- I’ve handwritten it
- I’ve highlighted it in my Bible
- I’ve written it in my journal
I’ve been able to memorize it. I’ve done three things, and now I am starting to own and become it.
Then I write the benefits of it in my journal, such as…
- The blood of Jesus lets me draw near to God
- The blood of Jesus washes away my sins
- The blood of Jesus grants forgiveness
- The blood of Jesus gives me eternal life
- The blood of Jesus brings healing to my body
- The blood of Jesus brings me joy
- The blood of Jesus speaks on my behalf
If you just do that simple exercise, it may take 10 minutes of your time and the heaviness and loss of sight will begin to disappear.
So that’s why we did Goals to Grow By, And when you do Goals to Grow By, you need to have smart goals to say, “These are the things I will do every day…”
3. Develop a Routine
The seven things that I talked about in a previous session of the podcast (see list below) help you create a routine.
- Be a Sabbath keeper.
- Create quiet time with the Lord.
- Read His Word
- Blow the shofar. I’d blow it every day.
- Anoint your neck with oil so that the yoke of bondage, according to Isaiah 10 and 27, won’t be heavy upon you.
- Pray under my tallit, let’s say once a week.
- Take communion, say once a week.
If you do those things when you’re doing spiritual warfare, that heaviness and that attack will cease and desist. These are all powerful things that you can do. The more you do them, the more they become a habit and the stronger in spirit you become.
Time to Flex and Develop Your Spiritual Muscles
You have mental muscles and physical muscles. You also have muscles in the spirit.
And so…
- The more you create habits and patterns
- The more you go into the Courts of Heaven
- The more you pray
- The more you have a conversation with God
- The more you seek God
… the stronger your relationship will be. So anyway, I want to thank you so much for joining me on Ancient Principles, Kingdom Authority.
May the Kingdom authority of God prosper in you, may you have a blessed time, and may your spiritual warfare be victorious.
I’ve been doing spiritual warfare for 33 years, and so rather than thinking you’re going to stop all backlash and all heaviness that comes, battle in the opposite spirit.
Know that if you are really making some headway, it will come. As soon as it starts to come, I deal with it immediately. So don’t hesitate. Be bold. Be humble, and know that the blood of Jesus is on your side. God bless. I’ll see you next session.
Curt Landry, founder of Curt Landry Ministries, and his wife, Christie, travel extensively, preaching and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Together, their passion is to empower families to live and leave Kingdom legacies and understand their own personal heritage.