Project Update | You Make a Difference in Israel
This year has been challenging in a number of ways. Nations and individuals faced physical, emotional, and spiritual battles of many kinds. However, God’s mercy has been faithful to His people. He has used YOU to demonstrate His love to the nation of Israel.
Here’s How You Make a Difference in Israel
Over the summer months, you have provided school supplies, meals, clothing, and playground equipment. Your generosity has touched the lives of children, lone soldiers, and Holocaust survivors throughout Israel.
Each season that passes is an opportunity for us to pause and witness the sovereignty and protection of the Lord.
Here is how God has multiplied your spirit of giving to make a difference in Israel.
News Update | Summer 2020
Israeli School Backpack Supplies
Normally, school children and their parents gather to receive school supplies and backpacks that you provide through donations. Coronavirus posed a challenge this year.
Instead, we invited the families to pick up supplies at different times. Each child and their family came to the school and received a new backpack filled with all the needed items to start the school year off right.

Along with their backpacks being full of school supplies, these children and their parents also received a special note from Curt Landry Ministries saying that our supporters made this day possible and that you continue to stand with them.
Thank you for giving these children a solid start to a new school year!

Meals for Lone Soldiers
Quarantine was challenging for many of us. Lone soldiers already struggle with feelings of isolation, as they do not have immediate family in Israel.
However, the fact that you provide consistent meals to them allows for relationships to build with other soldiers as they gather around the table, enjoying food and fellowship.
Below are some pictures of the meals you provided for the lone soldiers in Israel.
Thank you for allowing these men and women to build relationships while serving the nation of Israel!

Wall Mural and New Playground Equipment for Aleh Children’s Home
The children at Aleh will soon enjoy an outdoor area with new playground equipment and a freshly painted mural on the wall around the property.
Painting began at the beginning of August. Below are pictures of the painting process that lasted for a couple of weeks.
First, the grey wall needed covered. Then the sea came to life as Sam (our boots-on-the-ground artist in Israel) began painting. The children were thrilled to see the newly painted area!
Thank you for bringing beautiful images into these children’s lives as they play outdoors!

Wood Trays and Challah Bread for Holocaust Survivors, Medical Staff, and Needy Families
You provided nearly 600 beautiful wooden trays with freshly baked challah bread for Holocaust survivors, medical staff, and needy families in July.
These trays and bread signified, ‘We stand with you!’ They were passed out in time for a special Shabbat meal for that week. Furthermore, the children from Maale Adummim’s Therapeutic Garden after-school program helped bake the bread (see pictures below).
Because of your generosity, these trays with bread reached many more than we expected. They were passed out among Holocaust survivors, medical staff working long hours, and needy families in the area.
Thank you for continuing to stand with and make a difference in Israel!

Continued Support for Holocaust Survivors
Finishing Touches on New Holocaust Survivor Home: In July, you helped put the finishing touches on the new Holocaust survivor home—a shaded area for them to enjoy the outdoors—in Bet Shemesh. The woman who manages all of the Holocaust survivor homes on behalf of the Israeli government is Ronit Jerafi. She sends a special thank-you to all of Curt Landry Ministries supporters.
She told us that your generosity has no comparison to any other organization she has worked with saying, “[Curt Landry Ministries supporters] identify the need and address it.”
Thank you so much for answering the call to of Isaiah 1:17, “Learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.”

New Shoes for Holocaust Survivors: You also gave new shoes to hundreds of Holocaust survivors in July. Our team spent a day handing out shoes and sandals to the survivors, going floor to floor and room to room.
The survivors were thrilled to be able to pick out their new pair of shoes. The video below features a 101-year-old woman who is more than happy about her new footwear.
Many of the survivors were wearing the same shoes that our supporters provided 2 years ago. There are many organizations that claim to support Holocaust survivors in Jerusalem, yet those who work with the survivors tell us that Curt Landry Ministries partners are the ones who actually do what they say they will do.
For those who have no family, you are their family. Thank you for being the family they can count on!

Shavuot Cheese Party for Holocaust Survivors: This year, Shavuot was celebrated differently. It is customary to serve dairy products during this spring feast. However, due to the coronavirus, the survivors were not able to get together for the meal.
But you provided a way! Each survivor received a plate of special cheese that they could take to their rooms and enjoy for several days.
Fortunately, they were still able to come together and celebrate in other ways, dressing up in traditional attire and enjoying each other’s company.
Thank you for bringing joy into the lives of these Holocaust survivors during trying times!

The summer months of 2020 were not easy, but we cannot thank you enough for your continued support. You are the backbone of this ministry—allowing us to meet the needs of those in Israel by demonstrating God’s faithfulness.
You make a difference in Israel!