Leadership Key: Walking in Excellence
A successful leader understands the importance of a lifestyle of excellence, and they put that discipline into practice on a daily basis. Sometimes it is easy to operate in excellence, particularly in areas that are important to us or that we are gifted in. Sadly, it is much more difficult to operate in excellence in areas that are less meaningful or have become tedious. It is easy to operate in excellence during a dinner party with friends. It is much harder when you are cleaning up afterwards. You may not care about the dishes, but your spouse or roommates might. When we choose to operate in excellence in areas that matter to others, and not just to ourselves, God can use us as an open door to bless them.
Operating in excellence is an opportunity to demonstrate the love and excellence of the Father.
Good leaders also recognize excellence in others and help put them in a place to succeed using their skills and gifts. They also recognize weaknesses in themselves and in other team members and surround themselves and their team with people who excel in areas where they lack.
What is a lifestyle of excellence?
• Doing your work passionately unto the Lord and not unto man.
• Paying attention to detail.
• Operating in timeliness.
• Accomplishing goals and bringing them to completion.
• Taking ownership of results.
• Creating a plan to maximize time, tasks, and activities.
• Holding yourself accountable first, and your team members second.
• Being open for opportunities to improve.
These are just a few of the ways that we can live with a mindset of excellence in our work, ministries, and families. Too many times we leave the fruit of excellence at the door of our workplace and neglect to make our families a priority. However, just as God the Father operates in excellence towards us, we should do the same towards our family and friends. If you are married and have children you should serve them in the same manner of excellence that you serve in your career — not out obligation, but out of love. The Word calls us to honor our father and mother. Honor is one of the fruits of excellence. When we volunteer we should work and serve in excellence. It is also a daily challenge to keep our bodies and minds healthy, but when we live a lifestyle of excellence, we know that keeping our temple healthy will help us serve the Kingdom in excellence for many years! Living in excellence is challenging. No doubt about it! But there is a great reward for those who choose to do so. Excellence promotes. Excellence is noticed. Excellence is rewarded. I encourage you to live today, and every day, in a spirit of excellence.