Keep Your Prayers Coming for Israel

Recent reports have indicated that Israel’s view and global standing in the rest of the world continues to deteriorate. Western countries continue to have an unfavorable image of Israel as a nation, which only serves to increase the ability of terrorist organizations and other hostile groups to engage in anti-Israel activities.

The most prominent reports to make these claims come from the 2016-2017 Strategic Survey for Israel, an annual report made by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) at Tel Aviv University. The 275-page report is a collaborative effort by various key political, intelligence and military figures in Israel, and is presented to the Israeli president each year by the director of INSS.

Of particular note in the report is a claim that there is an “international campaign to delegitimize Israel,” particularly fueled by Palestinian boycotts and media portrayals of Israel and its relationship with foreign nations. There are many other political factors that add to the way the nation is viewed by outsiders, but nonetheless, these are troubling reports.

Additionally, the report mentions there has been an “erosion” of how closely Jewish Americans identify with Israel, which the experts who compiled the report say, could have harmful repercussions for the nation.

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At Curt Landry Ministries, we implore you to continue praying for Israel in what continues to be an unstable and troubling time for the nation and the Middle East as a whole. Israel constantly finds herself between a rock and a hard place, and with even the United States government having what seems to be a deteriorating relationship with Israel, the nation could begin to see a decrease in the support it sorely needs.

We have made it our mission to be the “watchmen on the wall” for Jerusalem and Israel, and to continue to work to strengthen God’s covenant with His chosen people. We ask for your prayers in our continued humanitarian aid initiatives, and for Israel and its people. Israel can use all of the friends it can get.