How to Bring the Light into Your Home | Understanding the Mystery of Hanukkah
The mystery of Hanukkah is a story of great deliverance, the triumph of God’s light over darkness. Now more than ever, we need to remember His light and the mystery of Hanukkah that reveals His power.
Slow Down to Be the Light
Our chaotic culture competes for our attention, making us resist the thought of slowing down. But we must slow down to remember. We must slow down to realign with the life of Jesus as bearers of His light.
He is the Light of the World, and because He dwells within us, we are the light of the world. As Jesus says in Matthew 5:14-16…
- “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (emphasis added)
We encourage you during this time of the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah, to pause for a moment on each of the eight nights. Remember the Light of the world and that you are a vessel carrying His light to others.
The Mystery of Hanukkah | You Are the Light Because of Jesus
From the beginning, the Lord used the light to scatter and separate the darkness. His work continues through you.
“And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.”—Genesis 1:4
Hanukkah is a magnificent spiritual celebration that can teach your family what it means to walk in the light of the Lord (see Isaiah 2:5) and be the light of the world (see Matthew 5:14).
Remember the origin of this celebration. The story of Hanukkah is the miraculous rescue of the Jewish people from the wickedness of Antiochus.
Because of the miracle and mystery of Hanukkah, Jesus’ birthline from the tribe of Judah was preserved. He came into the world as the Light of the world. This is how Matthew 4:16 describes Jesus’ coming, quoting Isaiah’s prophecy:
- “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned.” (emphasis added)
Jesus came as the Light that dawned in our shadow of death and darkness. Do you see how the mystery of Hanukkah is connected to what we celebrate at Christmas? It feels like the Holy Spirit is emphasizing the connection, especially this year (2024), as the first night of Hanukkah begins on December 25.
When Simeon took baby Jesus in his arms in the temple courts he proclaimed with great joy:
- “For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.”–Luke 2:30-32
Jesus is the Light bringing revelation to the nations. He’s the glory of His people, Israel. He came into the world as the Light of the world, and He calls us to carry His light wherever we go. Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, you carry the light of Jesus within you!
Symbolism of Hanukkah
In the mystery of Hanukkah, the miracle-oil burned in the temple menorah for eight days. It burned as a testament to…
- God’s triumph over death and darkness.
- The preservation of the Jewish people.
- The coming of Jesus, the Light of the World.
- The oil of the Holy Spirit in the lamps of future Believers.
There is rich symbolism in the mystery of Hanukkah for you to receive. Jesus Himself observed Hanukkah! This is a season in which to battle in the opposite spirit. When depression, unforgiveness, and fear start to enter your home through a small crack in your foundation, it is time to begin operating in the power and light of Yeshua–the One who preserves His people is the Light of the World, and anoints us with fresh oil through His Holy Spirit!
- “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”—John 8:12
- “The light of the righteous rejoices, but the lamp of the wicked will be put out.”—Proverbs 13:9
Decree and Declare the Light in Your Home
This is a time when God is restoring and renewing the light of hope and the light of Himself in your life. Hanukkah is also called the “Feast of Dedication.” As you light the Hanukkiah in your home, you can speak these blessings that bring the Light of Jesus to your surroundings. This is a time to declare afresh that your life and home are dedicated to Him and to celebrate your union with Him!
The Shamash Candle and the 1st Candle
The Shamash, or Servant candle, representing Yeshua, sits in the Hanukkiah a little higher than the others (usually in the middle position of the Hanukkiah). Use this candle to light the other candles each night of Hanukkah.
Place the first candle to the far right in the Hanukkiah and use the Servant Candle to light it. When lighting the first candle, you can say a blessing such as…
“Father God, we decree and declare that You have called, chosen, saved, and blessed us to be one with You. Thank You, Father, for Your abounding love that restores us to You through Messiah Yeshua.”
The 2nd Candle
On the second night, place two candles in the Hanukkiah—one to the far right, and the 2nd candle to the left. Light the Shamash (middle Servant candle) first, then light the two candles from left to right (newest, second candle, first).
The second candle represents the covenant that is made between you and the Father.
Biblically, the number “two” deals with the duplicity of man, which is body and spirit.
As you light the candles, you can say a blessing such as…
“Father God, thank You that You have made us one with You. Thank You for securing our covenant with You through the blood of Jesus. Continue to sanctify our body and our soul and let our spirit be one with You.”
The 3rd Candle
On the third night, place three candles in the Hanukkiah to the far right. Light the Shamash/Servant candle, then light the newest (third) candle first, then the other two (from left to right).
The third candle represents the Trinity.
You can say a blessing when lighting the candles such as…
“Father God, thank You for the unity of the Trinity—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We thank You for the power of the three-stranded cord and the covenant with You—that the cord is not easily broken, and we can overcome.”

The 4th Candle
On the fourth night, place four candles to the far right (from right to left). Light the Shamash candle and use it to light the newest candle first, then the three previous candles (lighting them all from left to right).
The fourth candle represents an open door of opportunity.
Here is a blessing you can say as you light the candles…
“Father God, reveal to us the open door You want us to walk through. Thank You for the opportunity, and we will say yes to walking through, in wholeness and in Jesus’ name, through the doors you have opened.”
The 5th Candle
On the fifth night, place five candles in the Hanukkiah from the far right to left. Light the Shamash/Servant candle and use it to light the newest (5th) candle first, then light the previous four candles from left to right.
The fifth candle represents God’s grace and favor.
As you light the candles, you can say a blessing such as…
“Father God, let us have Your grace, favor, power, and authority to walk in Your light for Your glory. Shine Your face on us and show us Your favor. Let us embrace the truth that Your grace, through Jesus, freely justifies us.”
The 6th Candle
On the sixth night, place six candles in the Hanukkiah from right to left. Light the Shamash/Servant candle, then the sixth (newest) candle first, and the other five (lighting from left to right).
The sixth candle represents the nature of man, which is carnal and weak.
While lighting the candles, you can thank the Lord for His power in you by saying a blessing such as…
“Father God, thank You for giving us supernatural power to overcome the nature of man in every aspect. You’ve made us supernatural agents from Heaven to Earth, and we ask that You let the light shine over all our weaknesses so that You may receive the glory.”
The 7th Candle
On the seventh night, place seven candles in the Hanukkiah from right to left. With the Shamash candle, light the newest (seventh) candle first, then the next six—lighting from left to right.
The seventh candle represents the perfection of the Messiah.
As you light the candles, you can express your gratitude to the Lord by saying a blessing such as…
“Father God, You are perfect and complete. Thank You for the perfection of Jesus in us. Let the light and the completion that was done on the cross shine through us.”
The 8th Candle
On the eighth and final night, with the Shamash candle in the middle holder, place eight candles in the Hanukkiah from right to left. Light the Shamash candle, using it to light the newest (eighth) candle first, then the previous seven candles (lighting each from left to right).
The eighth candle represents new beginnings.
While lighting these candles, you can say a blessing such as…
“Father God, we decree and declare this is a year of new beginnings. Let the resurrection power shine through us as we enter this next season. Renew and revive our souls with a fresh, new anointing that will accomplish Your will for Your Kingdom.”
Remember This…
The blessings listed above do not have to be spoken verbatim. It is about recognizing the power of the Lord and the significance and representation of His numerology. Meditate and pray, asking God to give you the words that reflect His authority and grace.
Let us remember the history of Hanukkah, the Maccabean warriors who did not compromise. We are to be soldiers and watchmen, more than conquerors through the Messiah’s love, who gives us strength as we go out into the world, standing for truth and righteousness. May we continue to stand and pray with Israel and Jewish people everywhere as they again face great hatred and warfare. Just as God preserved His people at Hanukkah, He is preserving and fighting for His people now.
Hanukkah will carry an even greater weight in Israel this year, just as it did last year following the October 7th massacre. It also carries a great hope and promise–a powerful testament to God’s faithful deliverance and Jewish resilience. Pray for Israel and her people to encounter the Light of the world, Yeshua their Messiah this Hanukkah.
The mystery of Hanukkah is more than simply knowing what each candle represents. It is taking to heart the roots of the festival and making a decision to draw close to the Light and allow Him to shine through you.
May the name of the Lord, Yeshua the Light of the world, be glorified through your home, your family, and how you live this holiday season.