God’s Gift of Multiplication
Have you ever found yourself drowning in debt? You wonder, “How did I let this happen?” Yet, you feel as though you are working as hard as possible to keep your head above water. Over time, you grow more and more tired of the fight, and each day brings a new set of anxieties surrounding your finances.
If so, you are not alone. On average, 80% of Americans are in debt. The worst part is that number has stayed consistent over the past several decades.
Clearly, with a number that high, we are missing some critical instruction on how to gain control over our financial situation and how to make it work as God intended.
If you are part of that 80%, spinning your wheels and never gaining ground, then maybe it is time to search your heart and God’s Word for the truth about debt and finances.
It is only after your heart aligns with God’s will for your finances that He will begin to initiate the gift of multiplication. So, what does it take to align with His Word and forever change your finances?
First, you need to change the way you think about debt.
Debt Is the Devil’s Snare
How do you look at accumulating debt?
- Do you see it as a necessary evil in life?
This is probably the most dangerous place to be. If you think that debt is necessary to get to where you want to be, you should think again. If you are currently in debt, there is hope to get out of it. Understand it will take some time and realignment of your mind, will, and emotions regarding your perspective of needs versus wants.
“Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say: ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?’”—Hebrews 13:5-6
This scripture is reminding you to be content with what you already have. Is His grace sufficient for you? If not, allow God to soften that posture in your heart and to bring your desires into alignment with Him. He can and will redeem what is put before Him.
- Do you see debt as no big deal?
Debt is a very slippery slope. Once the money is spent, you do not get that money back. Unfortunately, Americans don’t see money as a tool and resource, but rather as a river that ebbs and flows, allowing us to get what we want rather than sowing it for further growth and multiplication.
Are you familiar with the phrase “easy come, easy go”? That saying insinuates a belief that very little thought should be put into money management—not only the way that finances are spent but also, just as importantly, how the money is made. The Bible tells a different story.
“The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.”—Proverbs 22:7
When you borrow money from a person or institution, you are yoking yourself to that individual or business. Are you prayerfully considering the consequences before making those kinds of decisions? If not, that may be a good starting point for financial restoration.
“He who has a slack hand becomes poor, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.”—Proverbs 10:4
“Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, but he who gathers by labor will increase.”—Proverbs 13:11
Are you honest in your dealings? Are you hardworking? We must remember that God will not bless anything that falls outside of His instruction. However, God does redeem all things that are surrendered to Him with a repentant and contrite heart.
“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart—these, O God, You will not despise.”—Psalms 51:17
- Do you see debt as a last resort?
A biblical approach to finances and debt involves prayerfully considering where God wants you to steward your talents. Then, He will say to you, “Well done, my good and faithful servant” (see Matthew 25:14-30).
The reality is that there is a war and we are in a constant spiritual battle. The enemy will attack where people are vulnerable, and unfortunately, for many Believers that vulnerability is in the area of finances.
Money management is not something you can postpone or get away from. Chances are, if you live, breathe, and eat, then you interact with money on a regular basis.
There will never be a better time than now to come into agreement with God on how your money is spent. In the parable of the talents, Yeshua demonstrates that what you receive financially will be determined by how you steward what you already have.
God’s Gift of Multiplication
One of the least-known mysteries when it comes to kingdom finance is God’s gift of multiplication. In his book—Reclaiming Our Forgotten Heritage—Curt Landry writes in chapter 16, “One of the most powerful benefits of living in covenant and being empowered by the Father is the gift of multiplication—the ability to expand our blessings and create abundance.”
When Believers are walking in alignment with God, then they are sitting on the gift of multiplication, yet they don’t even know it is there.
On the contrary, many believe that it is against God’s will for them to live in abundance. That is a lie from the enemy who has come to rob you of your inheritance!
To be fruitful and multiply was more than a blessing from God—it was a command.
“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’”—Genesis 1:28
God was guiding His creation into a lifestyle of stewardship for all of the things that He entrusted to the dominion of humankind. His instruction was to multiply—not just procreate, but take the blessings received and be intentional about increasing them—to multiply them.
Testimony of a Covenant Partner
Listen to this testimony from a Covenant Partner who allowed God to change her life through His gift of multiplication.
After a decade of being in debt, I was tired of the constant worry and fear. During this time, I had made some significant life changes, most notably accepting Yeshua into my life, but I had no idea the impact that was about to make on my finances.
“I had been praying about money and was waiting for God to miraculously expand our income. However, that is not how it worked out. The word I kept receiving from the Lord was that He wanted me to tithe. I remember thinking to myself, ‘What?! I can’t even pay my bills and yet God wants me to tithe?’
“After much wrestling with the subject, my spouse and I decided we had nothing to lose by giving a small amount each week to something related to God’s Kingdom work. We started small, but God used that small thing to make a huge impact on our lives.
“Within months God put the right people into my path that could speak His biblical truth of contentment. Through His Word, God changed my heart to not value things but rather to value Him and what He was doing in my life.
“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”—Philippians 4:11-13
I sacrificed, yet I gained. I sold nice cars and got old cars (that were paid for). I got rid of debt and increased my giving. My spouse and I took a course on biblical finance and followed it to the letter.
“In the end, we gained so much more than a better financial situation. God used that act of obedience to multiply the blessings in my life.
“My relationship with my spouse got better, as we were fighting less about finances. My attitude changed, which changed the people I surrounded myself with. I was no longer a slave to the lie that my worth was wrapped up in what I owned. I was free!
“Best of all, I began to completely trust God. His ways are better than mine! Why had I argued for so long?
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”—Isaiah 55:9
The blessings that continue to multiply through being a Covenant Partner as well as being financially obedient have made a lasting impact on my life and the lives that God uses me to impact.”
Marie—Tampa, Florida
Start Now!
You can start today! Begin with rejecting the Poverty Spirit and allow God’s gift of multiplication to lead you into fruitful living and fruitful giving. There is no better time to surrender stewardship of your finances to the direction of the Holy Spirit.
>>>If you are ready to ignite the gift of multiplication in your life, [click here] to allow our prayer team to step into agreement with you through 1-on-1 prayer. <<<