Israeli Girls’ Safe House | The Gift of Love & Hope
Because of the love you’ve sown into the Curt Landry Ministries Girls’ Safe House program, these young women now understand that there is meaning to life.
These Young Women Give the Gift of Love to Others
The seeds of rejection that were once deeply planted into their souls are being dug up and replaced with seeds of acceptance and love. They are beginning to understand that God has given them purpose. The love of the Father is manifested in their lives.
“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!…”—1 John 3:1
“When I was 3, my parents got divorced… They were never truly parents. They didn’t know anything about parenting… and they were both mentally ill. It just got harder when I grew up. I didn’t understand a lot of the things that were happening…
“I wasn’t really sure there was a God, but every night I remember that I cried and asked for Him to get [me] out somehow.”—Sapir, a resident of the Curt Landry Ministries Girls’ Safe House
Sapir never chose to be in this place of confusion and hopelessness. She deserved an opportunity to experience God’s love. Imagine yourself as a teenage girl wondering whose home you could go to in order to find the love and acceptance you so desperately needed and longed for.
Sapir was in need of a stable place to go. She was searching for safety and acceptance. The problem was there was no place available. With every option she tried, from a friend to a family member, she was met with a closed door. This left her feeling hopeless.
Ultimately, these messages planted seeds of rejection and abandonment into her life. The result was Sapir feeling as though all of these circumstances she was born into were her fault.
Sapir’s Cries Were Heard. God Used You to Answer Her Prayer.
Sapir’s cries were heard, and God provided a way for her to experience the gift of love. Through Curt Landry Ministries Girls’ Safe House sponsorships, you have provided a place for Sapir, and so many other young women, to seek refuge and acceptance.
As a result, young women such as Sapir now have access to…
- A home
- A family
- Counseling
- Guidance and mentorship
Sapir was finally able to experience God’s gift of love in very real way.
“And then I went to [the Girls’ Safe House]… when I was in high school. [At first] I was depressed… I felt I was a bad… person… I gotauthorized to be here a few years ago. And [now], without being cliché… it really changed my life.”—
SapirListen to Sapir’s full story in the video at the top of the page!
Because of the love you’ve sown into the Curt Landry Ministries Girls’ Safe House program, these young women now understand that there is meaning to life. The seeds of rejection that were once deeply planted into their souls are being dug up and replaced with seeds of acceptance and love. They are beginning to understand that God has given them purpose. The love of the Father is manifested in their lives.
“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!…”—1 John 3:1
These Young Women Give the Gift of Love to Others
These women have learned how to receive love because they’ve been shown what it looks like through your generous hearts. But it doesn’t stop there.
They also are able to truly experience what it’s like to give love and to see the world differently because you’ve opened their eyes to the possibilities.
You’ve shown them that they have self-worth and value. In fact, Sapir shared that she wants to help other young girls, like herself, find a place such as Curt Landry Ministries Girls’ Safe House because she’s experienced the difference it’s made.
Now, you can help young women in Israel begin to find their place in God’s Kingdom. You can give them access to what they need to give… the gift of love to others.
Here’s How…
- Click on this link, [MAKE A DONATION], to access the donation page for the Curt Landry Ministries Girls’ Safe House
- Fill in the box with the amount the Lord has laid on your heart.
- Rejoice in the Lord in knowing that you’ve helped a young woman renounce the seed of rejection by planting a seed of love and hope in its place!