8 Gifts for Ruths and Esthers
A woman who fears the Lord is strong, beautiful. Like the biblical women, Ruth and Esther, they have faith and hope in the Lord, not allowing fear to dictate their actions. They stand on the truth of God’s Word and are able to laugh at the days to come.
What do you get for such a woman? What gift will bless them?
Remembering the Ruths and Esthers:
While there are many valiant and noble women in the Word of God, Ruth and Esther are two examples that many women connect with. Their calls were unique but vital…
Through her love, faith, and obedience, Ruth became the grandmother of King David, the great-grandmother of Solomon, and on down in her lineage to Jesus Himself!
The courage and faith of Esther saved not only her own life, but her family’s lives, and most likely, every other Jew in the Persian Empire!
Two vastly different stories, but both serve as extraordinary examples of faith. Both remind us that when we stand with God, no matter how things may seem, He will step in and do the big thing. He will protect and redeem.
Despite the callings of every woman being unique to them, certain characteristics remain as a necessity for each. Faith, love, and hope being three of the most important. But how can we show these mighty women of God honor? How can we build them up and bless them?
Blessing Our Ruths and Esthers:
- Esther Scroll Necklace | A great gift for the Esther in your life, this necklace contains a scroll that reminds the wearer of Esther 4:14, “…for such a time as this” in both English and Hebrew. [Pendant measures 1” by 1.5”; chain is 18” long; sterling silver.]
- Ruth Scroll Necklace | The perfect gift for the Ruth in your life, this necklace contains a scroll with the Scripture of Ruth 1:16, “…your people shall be my people, and your God, my God” in both English and Hebrew. [Pendant measures 1” by 1.5”; chain is 18” long; sterling silver.]
- Mustard Seed Necklace | Both Ruth and Esther had one thing in common: faith. This mustard seed necklace is a reminder of the words of Jesus that, “…if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20). With the pendant filled with mustard seeds and the word faith written on a tag that says, “faith,” in both English and Hebrew, this necklace cannot help but bring the thoughts of the wearer toward Jesus’ empowering word. [Mustard seeds are protected inside a clear pendant with sterling silver plated end caps and a sterling silver plated tag says, “faith” in both English and Hebrew; 20” sterling silver plated chain.]
- Bible Study: Nourish Notebook Starter Kit | This beautiful notebook is a wonderful Bible study tool for the woman of faith in your life. Taking the reader through the Nourish Bible Study Method, this 1” binder allows the user to customize their Bible study path. [Available in three colors: slate, fawn, or cocoa; 1” faux leather binder includes nourish note pages, anchor truth cards, snap-in bookmark, and a downloadable calendar to maximize and customize the user’s Bible study plan.]
- Mezuzah Necklace | Traditionally a mezuzah is placed on the outside of a door. This mezuzah being a house for a parchment of Scripture from Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21, reminding all who see it of the blessings and commandments of the Lord. Since our body serves as a Temple to the Most High God, the tradition of placing a mezuzah on a door post, or in this case, a necklace, is fitting. This necklace reminds the wearer that God is a promise and covenant keeper; by seeing God’s Word near their own heart, the wearer is aware of His heartbeat, His ways. [Sterling silver; pendant houses a scroll of Scripture in a clear case that is surrounded by a sterling silver cage containing the Hebrew letter shin within the design.]
- Woman of Excellence Wool Tallit | A tallit is a personal sanctuary where prayer and communion with God is given a place of focus. And this ‘Woman of Excellence’ tallit not only serves these purposes, but also acts as a blessing. Proverbs 31:10-31 contains the characteristics of a woman who is excellent—sometimes known as, ‘a woman of excellence,’ ‘a virtuous woman,’ or ‘a virtuous wife.’ This tallit speaks portions of this Scripture of Proverbs 31, prophesying to the wearer that such characteristics will rest in them… that they too are a woman of excellence. [Made in Israel, this 100% wool tallit is 72” long. The crown—area nearest the head when the tallit is worn—is inscribed in Hebrew with Proverbs 31:25, “Clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come.” Near the corners is written Proverbs 31:20, “She opens her hand to the poor. She reaches out her hands to the needy” in Hebrew. A translation card is included.]
- Scripture Scarf | Excellent for use as a traditional scarf or as a prayer shawl, scripture scarves make a wonderful accessory for the Ruths and Esthers in your life. Inscribed with Romans 11:19, “Branches were broken off that I might be grafted in,” in both English and Hebrew, these scarves remind the wearer that, like Ruth, they have been brought into the promises and covenants that come with being a child of Abraham. [100% polyester; 20” wide by 60” long; available in three colors: white, black, or royal blue, each with golden, grafted-in symbols and Scripture, Romans 11:19 written in Hebrew and English complete the golden design; made in Israel.]
- Dream Builder: A Six-Week Study on Joseph and the Patriarchs | The Lord puts dreams and desires into the hearts of His children, just as He did with Joseph. But so often things stand in the way… this Bible study serves as a reminder that what God puts in us—dreams and desires—He will see happen. This book is a wonderful gift to let the Ruths and Esthers know that their dreams matter! That God has put desires upon their hearts, not to remain unfulfilled, but to be brought to fruition. [Part of the Nourish Bible Study Series; written by Aliene Thompson.]
The woman who honors the Lord stands like a Ruth, like an Esther, like a woman of excellence, and she shall be richly rewarded!
Whatever you decide to give the Ruths and Esthers in your life, may they remember through it that they are mighty women of God who shall rejoice in the days to come!

“Strength and honor are her clothing;
she shall rejoice in time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom,
and on her tongue is the law of kindness.”
—Proverbs 31:25-26