Fear Not!
In a recent blog [CLICK HERE] we discussed praising the LORD in the depths of our dark cave, with our souls. Like King David, we have all felt like running and hiding due to our situation. Any situation can lead to fear, anxiety and worry. The LORD has promised that even when we do not understand how, His promise is to prosper us. We can walk in faith that He will, and therefore, we praise His Holy name!
We can all identify with King David’s life during various times of our own. Times when we are walking so closely with the LORD we cannot help but praise, dance and sing, and other times our fleshly desires are so strong that we give into them, and are subsequently left broken hearted.
The enemy lured him, seduced him, and deceived him, using fear as a psychological weapon. David sought the LORD, crying out to Him the burdens of his heart, being honest and transparent, and God responded with action. He delivered him from all fears… and he will do this for us, too!
“I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”—Psalm 34:3-4
Stepping out in faith moves God. Being chained by fear invokes the enemy. Faith is not about what we see and our circumstances, it is about having hope and security in what God has proclaimed. Focusing our hearts, minds and thoughts on the LORD engages and activates faith.
Meditating on His Word, talking to Him through prayer, being around other Believers all help us to be more sober-minded, especially in times of fear.
“For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.”—2 Timothy 1:7
We must identify when we are off God’s path by the enemy’s ploy. Pinpoint the fear. Then, in that moment, confess and call on the LORD. He hears. Read His promises in Scripture, do not focus on what the world says. Fight against lies with truth. Even when a dire circumstance is staring you in the face, calling on God and believing His Word in faith will extinguish the negative stronghold. He will give you strength to see things that are unseen. Stand firm in the His promises and cut off the enemy’s schemes, in Yeshua’s name.
In the spirit of power, we can do His work, proclaim His Word, and represent His Kingdom, knowing that He is supporting us and that we have refuge in Him. Boldness in His power is not about controlling others, but about agreeing with God’s claims about your life. He truly has provided you with the power to overcome the fear.
Love accompanies the power He has given you. When we are fearful, it is difficult to love as God intended. Love brings the peace that only God can provide—a peace that transcends all understanding.
The spirit of fear and timidity keeps us from the gifts God freely gives. Being of sound mind keeps us grounded in Him. In Greek, this word encompasses the idea of being calm and having a self-controlled mind. Biblically, it’s having a God-controlled mind. We settle into His definitions, desires, and see what He sees.