Father’s Day | The Lessons Our Father God Gave
God’s Word is filled with fathers, good and bad alike. Each one providing us with lessons of what makes a good father; yet, it is everything that the Word shows us about our Father God that truly provides us with what the heart and actions of a father are meant to be.
Join us as we discover some of the lessons God gave in His Word about fathers, along with the reasons why we need to honor our fathers on Earth and our Father in Heaven…
What is the Meaning of Father’s Day?
In the United States of America, Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June; while Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. As the name suggests, Father’s Day is a day in which people across the USA celebrate the biological, adoptive, and spiritual fathers in their lives…
However, in spite of the commercialization of Father’s Day, there is actual benefit in the day itself. But why is that?
Well, Father’s Day:
- Reminds people about the role fathers can play in the lives of their children, families, and communities
- Reiterates the importance of honor and honoring parents
- Blesses fathers
- Draws families together
- And much more
Yet, it is when Father’s Day is celebrated with a Godly focus reminding us of our Father God’s honor and love that the day is truly able to provide deeper and lasting benefits.
Why We Need a Godly Focus
So why does having a Godly focus allow Father’s Day to impact us for the better?
A Godly focus prompts us to honor. It reminds us that honor, like Godly love, should not be unsteady. Yes, circumstances and emotions do play a role, but they are not meant to be what guides us to walk in honor and love.
Remember, God’s honor and love of us is not precarious. It is constant and true, even when we do not deserve it. Having a Godly focus motivates and directs us to choose to follow the example that God’s own character and actions provide… inspiring us to honor and love our earthly fathers in that same way.
It is true that only our Father God is perfect. Earthly fathers, like the children and mothers, all make mistakes. However, neither love nor honor are based on perfection… they are based on Godly principles. On the laws and ways of our Perfect God!

Godly Lessons to Deepen Our Faith and Relationships
Within God’s Word are hundreds upon hundreds of fathers, with the greatest of all being our Father in Heaven, God. Of these many biblical fathers, not all were righteous, but many of them were…
Being righteous, however, does not mean that they were perfect. For only Father God is perfect. But being righteous does mean that many fathers chose Godly ways to be their guide…
Take Noah, for example. Noah was a righteous man who followed the Lord. A man of God, a husband, a father; all of these roles impacted him and those around him. Yet, it is interesting to note that it was being a man of God—being obedient—that allowed Noah to be such a good father. Because it served as a lesson to his sons and to their wives. Because it put his focus in the right direction, allowing all that he did to be impacted by it. And because it allowed his children to have a hope; a life, a future, and an inheritance when everything around them changed. Noah’s connection to God and preparation for God’s plan allowed Noah’s sons and daughters-in-law to also be prepared.
Then there was Abraham, whose relationship with the Lord brought his children immense promise!
And Job who—after his testing and the restoration and doubling of all—provided his children an inheritance from the blessings God had given him!
Besides these men are many more fathers who chose to follow the Lord; men such as:
- Boaz
- David
- Solomon
- Joseph
- Isaac
These men were not perfect fathers, yet, their decision to follow God and embrace righteousness helped them to be better fathers than they otherwise would have been; providing their children with illustrations of what it means to follow God and experience His blessings, empowering them with the option of growing their own relationship with God.
Yet, while these fathers are wonderful examples of righteous men who chose to walk in honor, our best example of exactly who a father is meant to be is found in God. In our heavenly Father.
Not only is our Father perfect, but He is ready to help us reach deep and become who we are meant to be—to answer the roles we enter. Our Father can establish anything: people, circumstances… Our Father can fix anything: relationships, health… Our Father can pour out endless abundance: financial, emotional, spiritual… Our Father’s love for us is without end.
In Luke 11:11-13 Jesus said this, “If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!”
Yeshua, as God’s Son, did all that His Father directed Him to do. Nothing Yeshua spoke came from a place apart from the Father. This is a testament not only of Jesus, but also of the Father. Just as Jesus wanted to give us His love, our good, heavenly Father wants to give us His love. He wants to shower us with blessings. Yes, our Father God teaches us and corrects us, like a caring Father should… but His love is limitless and He is GOOD!
He is the best example of a father that could ever be found!
Honoring Father God and Other Fathers This Father’s Day
Father’s Day is an important reminder for us because even though we know we are meant to honor our parents every day, sometimes we need to be reawakened to that truth. After all, God felt that we needed to be reminded to honor our parents repeatedly… even by Jesus Himself! He understood that we would need to be told many times…
So, this Father’s Day, let us all choose to walk in honor. To honor our earthly parents and our heavenly Father. To listen to the lessons that we have been given by God.
However, let us not lose sight of that honor as the days and weeks pass. Instead, let us honor our parents throughout the year. Let us honor God in His role as Father. Let us thank our Father God for all He has done!