Faith Over Fear
Table of contents
The Word of God says that we live by faith, not by sight, but for many instead of finding joy, hope, and possibility in this, they enter into fear. God does not desire this, and indeed, He did not give us a spirit of fear. But how do we overcome the snare of fear and live a life of faith? How do we rise up expecting God’s goodness?
Fear or Faith?
Fear and faith do not walk hand in hand. Fear is the destroyer of faith, and faith is the destroyer of fear—we either feed fear or we feed faith. But how do we choose faith over fear? How can we not only build up our faith, but destroy fear? And how do our expectations play a role in our choice of faith or fear?
Faith in God is, in many ways, an active trust in God’s words, promises, and ways. It is an expectation of God being able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). But it is also an expectation that, no matter what God says—even if it is not what we wanted—it is always for our good (see Jeremiah 29:11).
When people came in faith to Messiah Yeshua during His time on earth, they found that their faith drew His attention. It burned in His heart and He answered by faith. It did not matter who came to Him—though He was sent to the Jew first—He saw their faith manifested through action and was willing to offer Salvation, healing, and many other good things.
From the paralytic who had to be carried to Jesus, to the Centurion who trusted that all Jesus had to do was say a word and it would be done, their unwavering faith moved Yeshua’s heart (see Matthew 9 & 8)…
And THAT is the kind of faith we need! Faith that He is who He says He is. Faith that when God says something, when He tells us to do a thing, when it is written in His Word… that HE has the ability, the love, the power, and strength to do it.
It is not by our might or strength, but by the Spirit of God that things are made manifest. That is why we can trust God. That is why we can WALK out what God says, in FAITH, because He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). And faith without works is dead (see James 2:14-26).
Yet fear is quick to come in, especially when we are faced with change. Fear will whisper in our ears all sorts of lies. Fear will turn change from an opportunity to go where God leads, into something that is dreaded—where we begin to believe that everything that could go wrong will go wrong.
And unfortunately, fear is easy to feed. A little doubt. A wrong expectation based on a false view. We begin to believe all sorts of lies that grow fear instead of faith.
But we do not have to walk in this… there is a better way!
God has NOT given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). He has given us a spirit of love… He has given us His perfect peace which surpasses all understanding… He has given us every good and perfect gift… He has even given each of us a measure of faith (see 2 Timothy 1:7, Philippians 4:7, James 1:17, and Romans 12:3). In Him we are whole and need not fear!
But faith over fear as a lifestyle is a choice…
We can choose to walk in God’s ways of love, peace, and faith, or we can choose to listen to the lies of the enemy—to every doubt and every false expectation. Our God is willing and well able to help us choose the better path. In Him, faith can become a lifestyle!
Walk in Faith
Faith moves God. Fear moves Satan. Yet how do we overcome fear and move into a lifestyle of faith?
Well, a key question we need to ask ourselves is, “which do we feed?” By feeding faith, fear starves, and by feeding fear, faith starves. Whichever we choose to feed is what will grow and what we will have.
If we want to walk in faith, we need to feed faith. If we want to live a lifestyle of faith, we need to feed faith. If we want to remove fear from our lives, we need to… feed faith.
But how do we feed faith? How can we turn faith from something we tap into occasionally to becoming a daily companion?
When we feed faith regularly, we learn the nature of faith and begin to walk in it more and more as it grows. But we need the proper food to feed our faith…
Some of the things that feed faith are:
- Prayer
- Reading the Word
- Fellowship with God
- Fellowship with Likeminded Believers
- Praise and Worship
- Speaking Life
- Giving Tithes & Offerings
- Limiting/Removing Negative Outlets
- Thanking God/Being Thankful
- Being Watchful of what We Interact with
- Exchanging Negative Thinking for Positive Thinking
- Helping Others
- Expecting God’s Goodness Daily
- Not Complaining
- Anointing Ourselves, Our Families, Homes, etc.
- Asking God to Build Faith
While these are not the only things that feed faith, there is one major key to feeding faith over fear. God. When we focus on Him, not only do we fix our eyes where they are meant to be, but we automatically begin to starve fear and feed faith…
Because when we focus on Him—not on ourselves or what we fear—everything else disappears from view. We begin to align our words, thoughts, and hearts with God’s, which in turn alters our actions to match. Yes, we still have a choice day by day and hour by hour to feed faith or fear, but once it becomes a habit to feed faith, fear leaves exposed as a liar!
Are You Ready to Live By Faith?
Faith as a lifestyle requires a choice. Not only to feed faith, but to know that no matter if we want to do what God says or not… no matter if our desires align with His or not… we have to walk His ways out. Because it is in His ways that we prosper.
God knows best. He desires good things for us, and like the good Father that He is, He provides wonderful things. But sometimes, for our good, He has to say “no” when we ask for something. He has to take us somewhere or have us do something we do not want. And these are the moments when our faith is tested. Where we have to choose if we will walk by faith or sight. If we will choose God’s way or our way.
“For you are my only hope, Lord! I’ve hung on to you, trusting in you all my life.”
—Psalm 71:5 (TPT)
“But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; let those also who love Your name be joyful in You.”
—Psalm 5:11
“‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’”
—Matthew 4:19 (NIV)
Living by faith and following God. No matter where He leads. No matter His timing. And even when He says “no.” It is always worth it. Now and on through eternity.
Are we ready to walk in faith? To accept a lifestyle of faith where we may not always get what we want, or when we want it… but we will always get what we need, at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
God invites us into His Kingdom and glory (1 Thessalonians 2:12). The question is, will we enter? Will we step out in faith and choose a lifestyle befitting sons and daughters of the King of kings?
Let us join together. Let us accept the beautiful invitation of God to grow our faith and create a Kingdom lifestyle! Let us say to our God, “I will follow You. Here I am, send me!”
He is waiting.