Numbers 10:9 | Biblical Importance of Shofars
In Numbers 10:9 we are told that when we go to war we are to sound trumpets—shofars—so that we will be remembered before the Lord…
As Believers we want to be remembered before God. We want to be victorious through our mighty God! But why would God have us blow shofars? What are they, and why are they important?
Join us as we discover what a shofar is, the biblical connection, and why Believers can benefit from this spiritual weapon!
What is a Shofar?
A shofar is crafted from the horn of an animal—such as a ram—and is the most referenced type of “trumpet” in God’s Word.
First mentioned in Exodus, the shofar is one of the oldest instruments on earth. And, as shown in God’s Word, it is spiritually powerful: announcing aspects of God’s calendar, sounding an alarm, causing us to be remembered before God, creating a joyful sound, etc. Yet, for Believers, there is further significance…
For a shofar to be crafted, blood must be spilt. An innocent animal must give its life. This perhaps recalls our Passover Lamb, Jesus… who, wholly innocent, gave up His life and shed His blood.
In the Word, when innocent blood is shed for another, it is a means to achieve the cleansing of sin and restoration. This is a method of renewal that still applies today; for we daily must return to the blood of Jesus to find complete restoration in the removal of our sins. This is why the shofar, a spiritual weapon that requires the life of an innocent animal, has importance.
Numbers 10:9 and the Remembrance of God
Our God is not forgetful. He does not need us to remind Him of things because of a poor memory. In fact, nothing is unnoticed or unremembered by God…
So why does He want us to put Him into remembrance of us and His Word?
God’s desire for us to put Him into remembrance is for our benefit. Because WE are the ones who often forget. WE are the ones who need to be reminded that God will be with us. WE are the ones who are forgetful of the truth that God is in control.
He knows what He has said. He remembers us… but do we remember Him? Do we trust and rely in Him, or in ourselves?
By ‘reminding’ God of what He says in His Word. By blowing a shofar when we go to war. We are demonstrating that we put our trust in God. That we rely on Him and His strength to do war, or to do whatever God would have us accomplish.
It is God who gives us victory. It is God who gives us strength. And when we blow the shofar, our spirit man, and our souls, are reminded of that. And God hears that cry. He hears the Word being faithfully applied. And He acts.
“When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, and you will be remembered before the Lord your God, and you will be saved from your enemies.”
—Numbers 10:9
He remembers us.
When a shofar is blown it is believed that all the sounds that are in the Word of God are created in that blast… that essentially, God’s Word is being spoken into the atmosphere.
Certainly, the shofar is a powerful tool that God has given us. He had Joshua and his men use shofar blasts as a seal of completion; bringing the walls of Jericho down. He had Gideon and his men use shofars and empty pots to spread confusion and fear amongst their enemies, bringing the victory. And, as the Word says, when the final shofar blast sounds, the dead will be brought to life… and all will be FOREVER CHANGED!
“in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
—1 Corinthians 15:52
“It will take but a moment, the blink of an eye, at the final shofar. For the shofar will sound, and the dead will be raised to live forever, and we too will be changed.”
—1 Corinthians 15:52 (CJB)
There is unique spiritual purpose in blowing a shofar.
There is an undeniable use for it as a tool in our spiritual arsenal.
And while the shofar is not some ‘magic’ tool that no one can do without, it does have a purpose and use that—in addition to God’s Word, prayer, and our relationship with God—accomplishes what the Word of God says…

Every Friday night, at Curt Landry Ministries, we blow the shofar. Praying and coming into agreement: for Israel, the persecuted Church, and for the tearing down of any walls in our souls—like those walls of Jericho.
We understand the importance of blowing the shofar to bring God into remembrance of us, and to obtain victory. And because of this we have created several FREE resources to help you know and experience this truth…
If YOU would like FREE resources to help teach you about God’s intent for the shofar:
- FREE Believer’s Guide to Shofars
- FREE resource to answer the question, “Why Should I Own a Shofar?”
- FREE resource Connecting Shofars and Rosh Hashanah
Additionally, we have curated a collection of ram’s horns and shofars from Israel that may be right for you as you begin to apply what you have learned with a physical and spiritual blast!
If YOU would like to purchase a shofar or shofar related accessories:
- Ram’s Horn | All-natural ram’s horn. Estimated size 10-14 inches, measured using the outside surface. From Israel.
- Silver and Gold Plated Ram’s Horn | All-natural ram’s horn. Approximately 13 inches in length. Silver and gold plated and embossed with a Star of David on one side. From Israel.
- Shofar; Medium Yemenite | Medium Yemenite Shofars are measured following the curve and range from 29-33 inches in length. Made from all-natural ram’s horn. From Israel.
- Shofar; Large Yemenite | Large Yemenite Shofars are measured following the curve and range from 35-40 inches in length. Made from all-natural ram’s horn. From Israel.
- Shofar; Jumbo Yemenite | Jumbo Yemenite Shofars are measured following the curve and range from 42-44 inches in length. Made from all-natural ram’s horn. From Israel.
- Shofar; Silver Plated, One New Man | This jumbo shofar is made from all-natural ram’s horn. Silver plated and embossed with a grape cluster, seal, and One New Man design. From Israel.
- Shofar; Silver Plated, Ephod | This jumbo all-natural ram’s horn shofar is silver plated and embossed with a menorah, a grape cluster, and a colorful jewel-set ephod design. From Israel.
- Shofar; Silver Plated, Ark of the Covenant | This jumbo shofar is made from all-natural ram’s horn. Silver plated and embossed with an Ark of the Covenant, Menorah, and olive designs. From Israel.
- Shofar; Silver Plated, Tree of Life | This jumbo shofar is made from all-natural ram’s horn. Silver plated and embossed with pomegranates, a grape cluster, and a Tree of Life. From Israel.
- Ram’s Horn Bag | Zippered bag fits both regular and silver plated ram’s horns. Royal blue color with gold-tone embroidery, featuring a One New Man design. Zippered bag has attached, matching strap for carrying.
- Shofar Bag; Medium/Large | Zippered bag fits medium to large size shofars. Royal blue color with gold-tone embroidery, featuring a One New Man design. Zippered bag has attached, matching strap for carrying.
Shofar Bag; Jumbo | Zippered bag fits both regular and silver plated jumbo size shofars. Royal blue color with gold-tone embroidery, featuring a One New Man design. Zippered bag has attached, matching strap for carrying.