Benjamin Netanyahu Wins Reelection as Prime Minister
For weeks, Benjamin Netanyahu trailed in opinion polls to the Zionist Union party, but it appears those polls were wrong. Netanyahu won reelection on Thursday, March 19, despite a campaign run by the opposing party that had characterized him as a divisive leader. A couple of weeks ago, Netanyahu gained international attention by making a controversial speech about the future of Palestinian/Israeli relations and nuclear issues regarding Iran. In that speech, he warned United States lawmakers about the dangers of any sort of deal with Iran that would allow it to continue working on its nuclear program. He also claimed that so long as he retains his position as Prime Minister, there would be no Palestinian state. This represented a reversal of his earlier position on the issue, and once again forced him to butt heads with the Obama administration. That speech, plus efforts to appeal to more conservative voters in Israel over the last couple of weeks, appeared to do just enough to get him the extra support he needed to hold on to his position. So what does this mean for Israel? Well, not a whole lot is expected to change. While Netanyahu still has to put together his office, Israel will be in basically the same place that it was before the election, for better or for worse. Our hope at Curt Landry Ministries (as it was regardless of the winner) is that the result of the election will lead to good things for the people of Israel. We sincerely pray that Netanyahu and the Israeli government will do everything in their power to help to end suffering and poverty throughout the nation and to bring an end to the warfare that has plagued the country for so long. We encourage you to offer up your prayers as well for the leadership of the Israeli government, and if you have any questions about how you can contribute to efforts to aid the needy in Israel feel free to contact us today.