Characteristics of a Covenant Partner: Powerful Words of the Covenant (2)
Covenant is the foundation of our relationship with God. In Genesis, we read God using His Word to make a covenant with man. I want you to stop and meditate for a moment; wrapping your heart and mind around this truth… When God speaks there is power and promise, that whatever He says WILL BE accomplished. Nothing can stop it!
Realizing everything flows out of our Covenant Partnership with God is the most powerful revelation you can have. The unfortunate part is when we don’t understand how it began, or how it works.
“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”—John 10:27
The words of God are powerful, purposeful, concise and direct. No other voice carries the authority and assurance than that of the Holy Spirit, which God uses to speak to our hearts and souls.
Through creation, God spoke and it IMMEDIATELY was so. It was good, and it will be good again. God has not changed His mind.
What has God released in you?
In the beginning God released His perfect Word into mankind… you and me! We have authority through the Covenant Partnership with God.
“Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”—Genesis 1:26
If I may be blunt… this realization should change you! Yeshhua restored us beyond the covenant of Abraham. What was once broken by man was restored through God the Son. You do have dominion and can bring the vitality that was in the Garden into your own home, in Yeshua’s name.
Do not be fooled, walk in wisdom.
Through Covenant Partnership there is an anointing that connects us to the power of God, but we must walk in wisdom WITH God, being careful not to get ahead and be prideful. This anointing cannot accompany lawlessness, sin, compromise and shortcuts.
At Curt Landry Ministries, we understand the importance of cleansing sin from the camp, and trusting in the Lord, so that we may not be put to shame.
“Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause.”—Psalm 25:3
Now, hear me on this, we understand the importance of cleansing because we need it! It does creep in, but by the power of Holy Spirit, we can detect, repent, cleanse and move forward; trusting in the Lord.
When we let the Lord lead us, our hearts are changed into His likeness… we hate lawlessness and love righteousness. We begin to deal with situations as God does, with justice and mercy.
Fighting temptations with the Word of God.
Temptations are lurking around every corner, for this reason, being in continual communication with God through prayer and welcoming Holy Spirit to guide you is of utmost importance.
When we look at the fall of mankind and the temptations of Yeshua there are parallels, but thankfully different results. The Spirit LEADS us and fills us so that we may use His Words, more powerful than any two-edged sword, to fight the enemy.
Three Temptations…
- Lust of the flesh.
Adam saw the fruit was “good for food.” He yielded to temptation, but where Adam failed, Yeshua overcame.
The devil tempted Yeshua, after 40 days of fasting, with the idea of using His power to suit Himself, to turn stones to bread. Jesus countered while remembering the covenant… “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” It would have been easy for Yeshua to cave, but He wanted no part of the enemy’s schemes.
- Lust of the eyes.
Adam again, saw the fruit was “pleasing to the eye.” Lusting after this world is not from the Father.
Yeshua defeated the enemy’s temptation by once again remembering the covenant, worshipping and serving God alone. The enemy tempts us with ‘should haves,’ leaving us with feelings of doubt and deprivation. But this is the time to stop… and remember your covenant with the Lord. He “shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!”
- Lust of pride.
Adam was tempted with “gaining wisdom.” This was earthly, not Godly wisdom. It was pride. The temptation of pride was conquered when Jesus retorted, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.” After this the devil departed from Him.
“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”—James 4:7
This is exactly what Yeshua did when He restored the covenant. No temptation befalls you that He has not conquered.
Understanding the covenant allows you to counter lies with God’s powerful Word. Have no part of the enemy’s ploy, but every part of the Father’s business.
Looking at these temptations, you can see how all sin flows from these areas. Even though Adam failed, bringing death to mankind, Yeshua conquered, bringing eternal life! Through hearing, meditating and reading the Word of God, the Covenant Partnership is strengthened. Doubt and unbelief are broken off and encouragement replaces them.
God is bringing us full circle. We may be only experiencing part of the story in our lifetime, but rest assured, when God speaks words of restoration and renewal, it is so.
“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”—Isaiah 55:11
My prayer for you, my beloved, is that you know that the covenant you are trusting in has the power to overcome. To know that God is almighty and has all dominion, breathing restoration through Jesus, bringing us back. He is making us truly more than conquerors.
To be covenant minded…
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”—James 1:2-3
Doubts will come, but being covenant minded means you bring them before God. He already knows them, but when you willingly turn them over, asking God to use them to sharpen you, and strengthen the Covenant Partnership, you will have more anointing, more power, more knowledge, more peace, more love… Believe in the powerful words of the covenant! He wants you to know His voice clearly. Therefore ask, as He will give generously.