Blessed Are the Meek


Meekness is not regarded as the blessed virtue it once was. Today, the word meek is more used to describe someone as weak and passive rather than strong and controlled. However, God delights in our strength of meekness. He views it as honorable and obedient. Let us take a deeper look into this sometimes forgotten Godly Strength of being meek.

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”—Matthew 5:5

It is important to examine the root meaning of the word, meek. In ancient Greek, meek was used to describe a person who was humble and powerful, yet properly controlled—all in perfect balance. That seems to be far from how we might think of meekness today.

As a meek person, God has given you a gift to see through a conflict that seems out of control; where bitterness, anger, frustration and anxiety rear their ugly heads, and you turn it back to God. You know He is in control and accept His ability to direct your path.

With a meek spirit you are moldable by God to be used for His glory… What an honor!

If God has bestowed upon you this amazing gift, give Him thanks! He has given you a humble heart. In meekness, we know we are superior to no one. The meek understand in the deepest sense that they have deserved nothing. That it is only because God is good that they are blessed.

Because of this God-given gift, you who are meek control your desires to shout out privileges of your rights because you have complete confidence that God is looking out for you in every way. Take heart, knowing God treasures you and your strength of meekness.

God promises you will inherit the earth. The enemy may exhaust the weak, but because of your strength in humility and meekness you can rest assured in God’s Word. Your spirit will find joy in times when your meekness is present, and you will be blessed.

The ability to be meek also enables you to speak truth and provide the antidote for those who suffer from prideful hearts. The meek willingly places others needs above their own, requiring incredible self-control, humility, and confidence… all in God.

If meekness is your Godly Strength, we want to encourage you in prayer today. Call us at 888-932-7850. We want to pray that your meek spirit is strengthened and used for God’s Kingdom!